Inside Sales Representative

Job Details

**Job number:** 122686_EN_2

**Inside Sales Representative**

**Location:** Budapest Debrecen Pcs Szeged In your role as an Inside Sales Representative you learn to sell softwares in the enterprise market.

You proactively find, identify and preselect possible new customers and strategic contact persons. Additionally you win new customers via phone and social networks and create strategic openings for the expert sales.

Your daily activity includes:

* Research accounts, identify key players and generate interest

* Perform effective online demos to prospects remotely

* Qualify leads from marketing campaigns (e.g., Webinars, social media) as sales opportunities through outbound calls

* You work in our CRM to create valuable data for account and expert sales

* Additionally you route larger opportunities to the Docusign field sales team for further development and closure

Your profile:

* Excellent German language skills is a must

* Hands-on experience with multiple sales techniques - including cold calls

* Excellent communication and negotiation skills

* Solid understanding of SaaS technology and ability to familiarize to Docusign portfolio is a nice-to-have

* Professional level of English is a plus

This is your role, if

* You like to be on the phone and enjoy talking to people and about technical and business solutions

* You want to start in the enterprise (software) sales

* You have a quick wittedness, you are persistent and you only hang up after you won the customer for a scheduled meeting.

* We provide Comprehensive occupational life and accident insurance for all of our colleagues from their first working day.

* The AYCM sportpass can be requested from the first working day, which provides our employees sports opportunities, 8 times a month free of charge

* After the probation period, our new entrants are entitled to Cafeteria, the annual budget is 270 000 HUF gross (its annual budget will increase after 3 and 5 years)

* In addition, depending on the position, an annual / quarterly reward is paid, and our colleagues can also receive project performance bonuses

* Our company puts great emphasis on development, so all our colleagues have the opportunity to participate in a variety of trainings. (leadership trainings, hard and soft skill trainings, language trainings)

* We welcome all our colleagues at our corporate, sectoral and group level events (team building, workshops, DT-ITS pub, Year End Christmas event


Present in the market under the Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions brand name, IT-Services Hungary (ITSH) is a subsidiary of the Deutsche Telekom Group and is the largest ICT employer in Hungary. Established in 2006, the company provides a wide portfolio of IT and telecommunications services with more than 4500 employees. ITSH was awarded with the Best in Educational Cooperation prize by HIPA in 2019, acknowledged as one of the most attractive workplaces by PwC Hungarys independent survey and rewarded with the title of the Most Ethical Multinational Company in 2019. The company continuously develops its four sites in Budapest, Debrecen, Pcs and Szeged and is looking for skilled IT professionals to join its team.


Ksznjk bizalmt! Szemlyes adatainak vdelme a digitlis vilgban fontos szmunkra.

Online plyzatnak feldolgozsa sorn szemlyes adatait rgztjk, felhasznljuk s feldolgozzuk. Adatait a trvnyi rendelkezseknek megfelel?en s szigoran bizalmasan kezeljk. Adatait brmikor mdosthatja, kiegsztheti vagy trlheti a "profil szerkesztse" oldalon.

Cgnk kiemelt figyelmet fordt arra, hogy adatkezelse sorn az n rdekben az informcis nrendelkezsi jogrl s az informciszabadsgrl szl 2011. vi CXII. trvny (a tovbbiakban:, illetve az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgltatsok, valamint az informcis trsadalommal sszefgg? szolgltatsok egyes krdseir?l szl 2001. vi CVIII. trvny s az egyb hatlyos adatkezelssel kapcsolatos jogszablyoknak megfelel?en, az adatkezelshez kapcsold fontosabb nemzetkzi ajnlsokat is figyelembe vve jrjon el.

A honlap rvn megvalsul adatkezelsekre az 5. (1) bekezds a) pontja alapjn, a felhasznlk nkntes hozzjrulsval kerl sor. A hozzjrulst a felhasznl a honlap hasznlatval, valamint szemlyes adatai nkntes megadsval adja meg. A honlapon tallhatak olyan linkek, amelyek ms weboldalakra mutatnak. Az ilyen kls? honlapok adatkezelsre vonatkozan az adott honlap adatkezelsi nyilatkozatban foglaltak irnyadk.

A tudomsra jutott szemlyes adatokat az IT Services Hungary Kft. harmadik szemly szmra trvnyben meghatrozott eseteken kvl nem adja t, azokat nem teszik kzz. Szemlyes adatok tovbbtsra kizrlag a vonatkoz trvnyek ilyen rendelkezse szerint, vagy az rintett hozzjrulsa esetn kerlhet sor, az ott meghatrozott terjedelemben.

Plyzatt a Deutsche Telekom AG plyzati adatbankjban kizrlag az online plyzatnak feldolgozsra hasznljuk fel s rgztjk. A plyzati eljrs lezrtt kvet? legks?bb 6 hnap elteltvel adatai automatikus trlsre kerlnek. A bels? plyzknak lehet?sgk van ezen id?szak 12, ill. 24 hnapra val hosszabbtsra.

A felhasznl brmikor jogosult a helytelenl rgztett adatainak helyesbtst vagy azok trlst krni. Az adatkezel? a krelem berkezst?l szmtott 7 munkanapon bell trli az adatokat, ez esetben azok nem lesznek jra helyrellthatak. A trls nem vonatkozik a jogszably alapjn szksges adatkezelsekre, azokat az adatkezel? a szksges id?tartamig meg?rzi.

Plyzati anyagait biztonsgos kapcsolaton keresztl, SSL-kdolssal (128 bites kdols) kldjk el.

Azon plyzk online plyzatait, akik tbb llsra plyztak akr az IT Services Hungaryhez akr a konszernen bell mshov, a Deutsche Telekom AG plyzati adatbankjban kerlnek rgztsre. Az egysges s sszehangolt feldolgozs biztostsa rdekben a konszern rintett vllalatai az n tbbszrs plyzatrl tjkoztatsra kerlnek.



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