Chemical Milling Operator

Job Details

  • The PMTC Chemical Milling Shop is part of the dynamic team at Keysight building state of the art technology. The Chemical Milling shop mills metal parts precious metals to parts that will protect them from corroding and activate their conductivity. The parts increase in value greatly while in the chemical milling shop due to the fabrication process. Chemical Milling is an area that requires extreme attention to detail to avoid damaging a product at the last step prior to shipping and coordination to ensure we meet customer expectations.

    The Chemical Milling shop is considered a wet process since all the parts are fabricated by machines that use chemicals to achieve the desired outcome. The chemicals in the room are hazardous/poisonous, while there are controls in place to minimize the risk to operators and PPE is provided, the area still demands a great deal of caution while working.

    Chemical Milling relies heavily on documentation but the operators are responsible for following drawings and instructions. Operators work closely with engineering to ensure the documentation supports the production of quality products. Prior to adding value to the parts and before the final product leaves the shop operators must inspect the parts using varying magnification to identify and weed out defects.
  • Requirements:
    Good dexterity, eyesight, teamwork and communication skills.

    Previous manufacturing skills preferred.

    Shift flexible

    Ability to follow instructions/drawings

 Cavalier Workforce


 Santa Rosa,CA