Gallery Fellow: Chiaroscuro

Job Details

Fellowship Description
In this course, we will focus our attention on the artistic concept known as
Chiaroscuro, an Italian terminology that conveys the interplay between light and
dark in hopes to express an emotional response through the medium of images and
films. Our mission statement for this educational program is to offer comprehensive
guidance to our participants, referred to as fellows. We hope to facilitate their interest
in Chiaroscuro's integration into the realms of both photography and cinematography.

Throughout the duration of this course, fellows will be tasked with the capture of
scenes that skillfully incorporate the Chiaroscuro principle, thereby cultivating a
refined understanding of its application. To support this learning journey, we intend
to direct this course and provide lights and backdrops to assist our fellows in
comprehending the nuances of light contrast and the fundamental tenets of color

Key Learning Goals:

  • Technical Proficiency: Ensure students master the technical aspects of equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and audio recording devices, with a specific focus on understanding how to manipulate light and shadows for desired effects.
  • Composition and Framing: Teach students the principles of composition and framing, including the strategic use of shadows and lighting to enhance visual storytelling, create mood, and evoke emotions in the audience.
  • Storytelling: Guide students in understanding how to incorporate shadow and lighting techniques to enhance narrative depth, and character development.
  • Editing Skills: Help students develop proficiency in post-production techniques that leverage shadow and lighting adjustments, such as color grading and contrast manipulation, to refine the visual aesthetics and overall impact of their videos.
  • Workflow Efficiency: Teach students how to efficiently integrate shadow and lighting considerations into their overall production workflow, from pre-production planning to post-production editing, ensuring cohesive visual storytelling across all stages of the process.
  • Problem-Solving: Encourage students to develop creative problem-solving skills for managing shadow and lighting challenges encountered during filming, such as uneven lighting conditions, harsh shadows, or unwanted reflections, to achieve desired cinematic results.
  • Client Communication: Train students to effectively communicate with clients regarding shadow and lighting preferences, ensuring alignment with the intended mood, tone, and style of the project while accommodating client feedback and vision.
  • Professionalism and Business Skills: Equip students with the knowledge and skills to integrate shadow and lighting considerations into their professional practice, including budgeting for lighting equipment, negotiating contracts with clients, and marketing their expertise in creating visually captivating videos.

About the ArtWorks Gallery Fellowship Program
The ArtWorks Gallery Fellowship Program allows teen and young adult artists (ages 16-24) to study the materials and methods of guest Artists-in-Residence in a small educational setting that encourages collaboration and artistic experimentation. Using materials and time in the studio provided for free, participants create their own unique and individual works of art to exhibit in an intentional group show in the ArtWorks V Gallery. Artists gain exposure and recognition in the local arts community, as well as the opportunity to price and sell work during its exhibition in the ArtWorks V Gallery. Artists in this program will also learn foundational skills about gallery exhibitions from local curators and museum partners, including how to effectively represent their art through artist statements, gallery talks, opening events, and community events.


Gallery Fellowship Requirements
  • Gallery Fellows must be 16 - 24 years old.
  • Gallery Fellows must commit to attending all scheduled classes and professional development sessions.
  • Gallery Fellows must participate in the installation and curation of the group exhibition.
  • Gallery Fellows must participate in the Gallery Opening.
  • Gallery Fellows must participate in the deinstallation and closing of the group exhibition.

Mandatory Orientation
  • Friday, July 19th, 4-5:20pm

Mandatory Orientation Location
2460 Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206

Mandatory Classes run July 20-August 25, 2024
  • Saturdays 11am-1pm
  • Sundays 3-6pm

Mandatory Classes Location
2530 Spring Grove Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45214

Mandatory Professional Development Sessions run
  • Tuesday September 17th, 4-7pm
  • Thursday September 19th, 4-7pm
  • Tuesday September 24th, 4-7pm
  • Thursday September 26th, 4-7pm

Mandatory Professional Development Sessions Location

929 E McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206

Important Exhibition Dates
  • Installation week is September 16th - September 20th, 2024
  • Gallery Opening is Friday, September 27, 4-7pm
  • Group Exhibition is open September 27- November 7, 2024
  • Deinstallation is November 7 - November 8, 2024

Application Requirements

Please upload artwork from your portfolio that you think speaks best to your style and talents. Please only upload a PDF with a minimum of 2 works of art and at maximum 5 works of art shown in your PDF portfolio.

 Art Opportunities

