Attack Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot 18AX

Job Details

**Attack Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot**

Imagine sitting in your Air Guard unit, just a few miles from your home, and taking control of one of the most advanced remotely piloted aircraft in the world. While reviewing the mission tasking, intelligence and weather information you'll ensure the aircraft is ready to fly as you embark on another mission, perhaps several thousands of miles away. In this exciting career as a Attack Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot, you'll supervise and lead those missions. You'll operate remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) equipment and systems, electro-optical sensor systems, and electronic protection (EP) equipment to complete intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions worldwide. You'll also plan missions, including close air support, interdiction, armed reconnaissance, combat search and rescue, and limited forward air control. It takes a steady hand and cool nerves to precisely operate weapons equipment from the other side of the planet, because even the slightest inaccuracy can mean the difference between life and death.

Minimum Education: College Category: Aviation AFSC Code: 18AX



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