Entertainment Photographer: Virisa

Job Details

**Entertainment Photographer: Virisa**

**1. Introduce yourself - who you are, what you do, and how people can connect with you.**

Hi, Im Virisa! Im a freelance photographer from the Bay Area and Im currently based in Los Angeles. You can check out some of my work on Instagram @ and @!

Most of my work before the pandemic involved shooting large events. I didnt have any gigs for a while, but this summer, I was fortunate enough to begin working with artists one-on-one, as well as creating content for Puma from home. I dont know what I would have done without these opportunities! Im very grateful. Its been a rough year! I had so much anxiety when the pandemic started, but I reminded myself that it is possible to create opportunities for yourself. My tip would be to get creative with what you can do with this time, adapt to the current circumstances, and find ways to fulfill your passion while staying safe and staying sane.

1. I physically wrote everything down in a planner. One thing I do is research when a concert, festival, or event that I want to photograph is taking place and note it in my calendar even if Im not officially confirmed. Writing it down is my way of manifesting it!

2. I worked for free a lot just to get my foot in the door. Id message artists, labels, managers, and event organizers and offer my services for free in hopes that if they like my work the first time, theyll end up hiring me for something in the future.

3. When I was in college, I accepted a lot of nightlife photography gigs just to make some money and network with people who work in the club and music scene. I definitely tired myself out by going to class, shooting an event late at night, editing at 2 am in the morning, and going to class again the next day. Thankfully, I was still able to get my schoolwork done and find a balance. Looking back, it was honestly worth it to get to where I am today!

Thank you! I started doing cartoons and accent impressions when I was 11. Ive always been a silly character! I lived with my grandparents during my childhood and as an only child growing up, I didnt have anyone to play with. To keep myself entertained, I imitated comedian stand up routines and cartoon characters. Its fun and I love doing it to make people laugh.

I enjoy taking baths, playing basketball, listening to music, watching The Office, and dancing in my room. These activities are all so therapeutic for me!

This is a tough question. Ive enjoyed working with so many celebrities! But so far, Id say Ty Dolla $ign. I love his music so much! Ive had the chance to photograph him at several festivals, but when I got the chance to officially meet him and photograph him one-on-one, it was such a dope & surreal experience. I appreciate his personality, his music-making process, and how humble he is. On top of that, hes so photogenic which makes it easy to get a nice photo of him!

I see myself as a photographer that people trust with their vision and are comfortable working with. I see myself having my own studio space. I see myself checking off a list of artists Ive always wanted to work with. I see one of my photos as an album cover. I see myself becoming confident, not only in my work but in myself. I hope Ill get there someday.

At times, I honestly feel like photographers are undervalued. People often ask me to work for free because they think its as simple as snapping a photo on a smartphone. I understand that it may look easy from the outside looking in, but theres so much that goes into it. Youre not just paying someone to take pictures. Youre paying for their time, their vision, their work ethic. Many photographers invest a lot of their money into camera equipment, purchase photo editing software, take time to brainstorm ideas to satisfy a clients needs, provide customer service, and more. Even when they have finished taking photos, their job isnt done! They still need to edit the photos and make sure their clients are satisfied. I hope people can learn to appreciate photographers for what they do!

October 1, 2020, , , , ** Comments (0)**

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 By Lisa Linh

