Lead Teachers (early childhood/elementary/middle), SY2024-25

Job Details

The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School is accepting applications for lead/master teachers for the 2024-25 school year. The school is seeking self-motivated, dynamic, and thoughtful individuals with proven progressive, inquiry-based teaching skills to join the faculty. The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School serves PreK3 - 8th grade and seeks highly qualified teachers of all subjects for PreK3 - 8th grade.

At the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School, a professional learning community of master teachers and teacher residents ensures that a diverse group of students achieve their potential as accomplished learners, thoughtful citizens, and imaginative and inquisitive problem solvers through a demanding, inquiry-based curriculum. With its clear mission and prominent location in Washington, DC, the school serves as a model of instruction for students and training for teachers, with the goal of becoming a leader in changing the way teachers are prepared and supported and students are educated nationwide.


Inspired Teachers possess the beliefs, skills, and accomplishments that lead all students to achieve at high levels. To establish a true professional learning community, all adults in the building are considered educators, as they all interact regularly with students. As such, a firm belief and grounding in the philosophy and values of the school's mission is crucial for every employee. It is of the utmost importance that every member of the school's staff believes that all children can learn and contribute to the vitality of their learning community. This combined with a deep care for all students is the foundation for our work. Master teachers take on the additional responsibility of promoting the school's mission by hosting and supporting resident teachers, as described in detail below.

The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School highly values and respects teaching as a profession and teachers as professionals. The school culture places a premium on teacher autonomy and expertise and in turn, expects professionalism and a high level of responsibility from the teaching staff. The school works hard to ensure teachers have a positive and productive work culture, including collegiality among staff, appropriate supports for teaching (including adequate supplies for every classroom), and a respect for teachers as individuals and professionals.

Early Childhood Teachers (PreK-3 - Kindergarten)

Early Childhood Teachers facilitate a play-based learning environment. In PreK classrooms students develop a love of learning along with the foundational social and academic skills they need for success in a school environment. Kindergarteners continue to thrive in a play-based environment while being introduced to standards for literacy and math. All early childhood classrooms are text, numeracy, and sensory rich environments in which art and physical movement are integrated to ensure a developmentally appropriate school experience. Families are engaged as partners, and early childhood teachers engage in family communication and education events to establish consistency for students between the home and school environments while helping families to understand young children's developmental needs and the school's progressive approach.

Elementary School Teachers (1st - 4th grade)

Teachers in the elementary grades facilitate inquiry-based classrooms in which students tackle the standards through student-centered workshops, hands-on projects, and authentic field work. While arts integration supports a diverse group of learners' access to challenging academic standards, our classrooms are focused learning communities in which each student is encouraged to contribute. On the elementary team, teachers use the workshop model for literacy and math instruction, and manage their classroom using the practices outlined in Responsive Classroom and the school's handbooks. Teachers also plan and implement instruction in science and social studies. Additionally, teachers attend to socio-emotional growth and learning. Families are engaged as partners in their children's education, and all teachers demonstrate inclusive practices to support our school's welcoming community.

Middle School Teachers (5th - 8th grade)

Teachers in the middle school facilitate inquiry-based classrooms that allow students to tackle standards in a variety of ways. Teachers take a developmentally responsive approach and use their understanding of young adolescents as the foundation on which all decisions are made. Using the principles of restorative justice and Responsive Classroom, teachers help students problem solve and develop conflict resolution skills. Middle school teachers hold high expectations for each student and engage students in thoughtful, meaningful work, taking pride in advocating for each student's right to learn and providing challenging and relevant learning opportunities. Teachers demonstrate courage and collaboration working together to create curriculum and learning experiences that are challenging, integrative and exploratory. Our social-justice, arts integrated approach gives teachers the flexibility to meet demanding standards through varied approaches.


All Lead, Master and Specials Teachers take on the following job responsibilities:

Planning and Preparation

  • Plan and document (using the school's selected lesson planning tool) high-quality instruction in line with:
    • The school's mission and philosophy;
    • The five core elements of teaching: joy; wide-ranging evidence of learning; purpose, persistence and action; student as expert; and mutual respect;
    • Intentional, well-designed curricula approved by the school, whether purchased or teacher-designed;
    • Nationally-normed standards (Common Core, NGSS, C3 Framework, etc);
  • Work to actively understand students' needs and strengths, including actively striving to develop cultural competence, engaging in ongoing study of child development theory and brain research, and keeping current with student IEP's, 504's, and BIPs.
  • Seek out and access high-quality resources and materials, including resources beyond the school campus.
  • Demonstrate solid knowledge of the concepts in each of the disciplines taught.

Classroom Environment
  • Draw from Responsive Classroom, Restorative Justice, and Relationship-based discipline to manage student behavior, in and out of the classroom, for the purpose of providing a safe and optimal learning environment
  • Monitor students in a variety of educational environments (e.g. classroom, cafeteria, playground, school grounds, hallways, restrooms, field trips, etc.)
  • Build on the established Community Expectations (Everyone Learns, Everyone is Safe, Everyone Builds the Community, and Everyone is Welcome) to create a classroom community that reflects the mission and philosophy of the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School
  • Maintain a safe and orderly classroom, with responsible and child-friendly organization of supplies, material and technology, and use of practices consistent across the school

  • Engage actively with and implement feedback from principals and coaches; assume a stance of teacher-as-learner when working with colleagues, special education staff and assistants/residents
  • Communicate to students and families clearly and in an age appropriate way the purpose of instruction
  • Engage students with different levels of questions and discussion prompts
  • Facilitate student-centered, high-quality instruction in line with areas identified under Planning and Preparation above
  • Utilize a workshop model to teach reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • Draw on multiple teaching strategies and approaches to engage students and provide differentiation.
  • Conduct, review, analyze, and use a wide-range of student assessments to inform teaching practice and planning, and to ensure student growth.
  • Integrate developmentally appropriate, culturally competent, research based strategies into teaching and assessment practices.
  • Incorporate problem solving strategies and literacy strategies into daily instructional routine.
  • Differentiate formative assessments (independent practice, homework, exit tickets, etc.)
  • Collaborate with special education, ELL and teaching assistants (when applicable).

Professional Responsibilities
  • Complete all professional responsibilities in a timely manner to meet deadlines and follow all school procedures and protocols; this includes submitting and revising lesson and unit plans; administering assessments, collecting data, and completing data entry; completing report cards; documenting discipline and student behavior as requested/required by law; following all personnel policies and procedures; attending all meetings as assigned; implementing with consistency all school policies and procedures for students and families; and other administrative tasks required of teachers as professionals.
  • Build strong relationships and open communication with families.
  • Contribute to the school community as an active and productive participant, promoting a culture of collaboration and inquiry.
  • Participate in regular, school-based professional development
  • Participate in school events outside of school hours, including Student Learning Showcases.
  • Respond to inquiries from a variety of sources (e.g. other teachers, parents, administrators, students, etc.) for the purpose of resolving issues, providing information and/or direction.
  • Manage any Teaching Assistants or Paraprofessionals in the classroom.
  • Follow all school and employee policies and procedures as outlined in the Employee Handbook.

After one year of teaching at ITDS, Lead Teachers who have previous years of teaching experience may qualify to become Master Teachers, based on the following criteria:
  • Mastery of implementing the Inspired Teaching philosophy
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching and learning
  • Contribution to ITDS community
  • Professionalism

Master Teachers hosting Teaching Residents (TR) are also responsible for the following additional responsibilities:
  • Embrace professional dispositions of metacognition and reflection, and embrace an ongoing commitment to making classroom practice transparent, including sharing the rationale for decisions with the TR
  • Gradually release classroom and professional responsibilities to the TR
  • Meet with the TR at least weekly to provide support and feedback around planning and assessment based on observations of the TR's performance.
  • Attend meetings, attend workshops, provide feedback, and complete surveys and evaluations as agreed upon at start of year with division principal and resident program staff


The successful applicant will demonstrate significant knowledge and experience in the field of progressive, constructivist education and the potential to serve as a coach to a novice teacher.

Master/Lead Teachers must:
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree, preferably in a content area. Master's degree preferred.
  • DC Teaching certification, passing of relevant Praxis exams, or equivalent evidence to be considered highly qualified.
  • Deep commitment to reflective practice, an ability to give and receive feedback openly and without defensiveness, and a desire to constantly question and improve their teaching practice.
  • Commitment to creating a school that not only provides an excellent education for the student, but that creates an open, trusting learning environment for educators and the entire staff of the school
  • Demonstrated capacity to embrace teaching the whole child.
  • Demonstrated commitment to anti-racist, anti-bias practices and comfort and willingness to address issues of equity, access and inclusion.
  • Strong ability to persevere in the face of ongoing challenges. Teaching is a demanding profession, regularly requiring one to go above and beyond, to solve problems quickly and in the moment, and to find the positive in difficult situations.
  • Ability to thrive in an innovative environment and an interest in being part of a team that builds the systems that support a growing school.

We require teachers to meet the requirements for Highly Qualified Teacher status in the District of Columbia. Requirements include:
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree, preferably in a content area. Master's degree preferred.
  • 3 or more years of classroom teaching experience or equivalent relevant work with children will be preferred.
  • Passing of relevant Praxis exams.
  • Ability to establish strong, trusting, and authentic relationships with a wide variety of individuals, including new and experienced teachers, parents and families, and a diverse local community.
  • Clear, concise, and persuasive writing and speaking skills.
  • Integrity and a sense of humor.
  • Experience teaching with workshop model preferred.
  • Experience with restorative justice and/or Responsive Classroom preferred.
  • Experience in play-based and arts-focused programs preferred.


ITDS offers a comprehensive compensation package that is based on the following values:
  • Competitive: Our salary scales are competitive with other DC single-campus charter LEAs
  • Support the whole educator: Compensation is not just financial and we invest in the many aspects of working at ITDS that bring value
  • Consistent and Equitable: Our goal is to provide comparable salaries for the same work
  • Sustainable: We are careful planners and stewards of our public dollars, making sure we can meet all of our obligations, especially salaries, into the future

The school's benefits package includes health care (multiple plan options), retirement plan (employer match available), Flexible Spending accounts, generous PTO, supplemental insurance through AFLAC, and pre-tax public transportation/Metro benefit. ITDS also offers extra-curricular and committee stipends, professional autonomy, multiple pathways for professional growth and support, and opportunities for whole educator care and wellness.

The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School is an equal opportunity employer committed to inclusive hiring and encourages applicants from all backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, marital status, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected status. All employment decisions are made solely on the basis of the individual's qualifications as related to the requirements of the position being filled. The school's Title IX Coordinator is Jessica Hiltabidel (...@inspiredteachingschool.org)


With its clear mission and prominent location in Washington, DC, the school serves as a model of instruction for students and training for teachers, with the goal of becoming a leader in changing the way teachers are prepared and supported, and students are educated nationwide. At the Inspired Teaching Demonstration School, students learn through an academically challenging, standards-based curriculum that supports and builds the four "I"s: Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity. Within its walls young people learn and achieve at high levels without having to surrender their intellectual curiosity and passion for learning.

The school focuses on developing student potential in four areas: Intellect, Inquiry, Imagination, and Integrity. Students master content in Reading & Literature, Communication, Math, Science, and Social Studies-and have the ability to apply their knowledge to relevant and current situations, problems, and experiences; students develop the skills of a researcher, using their intellectual curiosity to pose and solve problems; students exhibit the skills of divergent thinkers, with the courage to create, the willingness to approach problems with a joyful spirit, and the ability to play; and students develop the skills and dispositions necessary to function as members of a democratic society.

Teachers are held to a high standard of excellence and professionalism. Teachers demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the subjects they teach; draw on an extensive repertoire of authentic and engaging strategies for instruction and assessment, steeped in the knowledge of how children and adolescents learn; contribute to a vibrant and active professional learning community; and forge strong and positive relationships not only with students, but also with community stakeholders, including families.

As a demonstration school, staff works to disseminate our instructional approach through inviting education influencers to visit the school, and disseminating the model outward via preparation of Teaching Residents, conference presentations, and other opportunities to speak in the community.

The school is a place where children, adolescents and adults thrive and find joy in their work.
  • The physical space communicates a genuine focus on learners.
  • The emotional space requires an approach to academics and discipline that focuses on helping children and adolescents develop compassion, empathy, respect for others, self-discipline, and problem-solving skills.
  • The intellectual space of the school asks teachers and students to act as leaders, share opinions and ideas, identify problems and generate solutions, and collaborate and work together as a community so that everyone experiences success.
  • The school emphasizes parent and community involvement. Parents play an active and important role in the school - volunteering in classrooms, creating special events for families, supporting student learning, and contributing to the positive climate.

Primary methods of instruction include inquiry and active learning, where the teacher serves as facilitator and coach to support student learning. Instruction includes an emphasis on social-emotional learning, and classrooms are characterized by student-centered organization styles such as differentiated instruction, collaborative groups, and child-initiated play.

 Inspired Teaching Demonstration School

