Childcare Center Office Assistant

Job Details


The servers that house this site, and its web properties, are maintained in a manner that safeguards the information in our databases effectively.

**Personal Information**

Unless you voluntarily provide us with any personal information, such as your e-mail address, this site does not collect personal information about you without your knowledge. When you visit our site, we collect the following information:

* The name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,

* The date and time you access our site.

* The Internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to our site or the Internet address of the computer used to link to our site.

* This information is used for Site Management purposes and to target ads to 3rd party sites.

NOTICE: Unless you choose to provide such information, we do not collect or maintain personal information about you when you visit our site. If you send us an e-mail message or complete a web form containing personal information, we collect and store the personal information which you choose to provide, such as your mailing address, e-mail address, the content of any request for information, and any comments you may submit.

**Use of Information**

If you choose to provide any personal information, such as your e-mail address, mailing address or phone number, we may use that information to contact you.

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 Big Blue Marble Academy

